Monday, November 21, 2011

Ancient Mysteries

The Egyptians


Egypt, houses some of the oldest structures known to man - the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid, etc. - which are of the highest Architectural quality and the most well preserved. Later-built pyramids are of lesser quality, and in fact some have literally Collapsed due to poor design. This denotes that the more ancient Egyptians possessed a higher quality of knowledge than Their descendant. The Great Pyramid was built from 50-ton blocks of granite, quarried 600 miles away, and assembled with greater precision Than could be accomplished today. No evidence has been found to support the suggestion the Great Pyramid was a tomb. More likely it was used to teach the secrets of the universe. It was originally covered white Crystal with 115,000 Highly-polished casing stones. Just how where the Pyramids Built what was the technology used by our ancestors one of the World’s greatest monuments standing proof of what was achieved by the ancients.

The Sumerians


The Anunnaki (Those from Heaven to Earth Came) Old testament Hebrew, Anakim, Nephilim, Eloheem; Egyptian: Neteru), an Advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, crashed down in the Persian Gulf area around 432,000 years Ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered Documents tell us, their lower tribes miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Anunnaki council decided to Create a being (Lulu Amelu Primitive Workers) to take their place. Enki, (Ruler of the Skies) their chief scientist and Ninhursag (Lady of the Mount) after completing there experiments splicing animal and Homo erectus genes, merged their Anunnaki Genes with that of Homo erectus and produced Homo sapiens, a genetically grafted species, for their purposes as slaves Made to order. Thus to the puzzle the fact that both the Egyptian and Sumerian cultures seemed to appear out of nowhere, fully equipped With their advanced knowledge and already at the height of their civilization.

The Olmecs


One of the greatest mysteries of early Mexico is that of the Olmecs (The Rubber People) What is so fascinating about this great civilization is how they represented themselves.showing Nubian features, many artifacts depict individuals who have Oriental or European features. It is therefore very interesting to pay close attention to how the figures are presented-how they dressed; the head gear they wore; the shape of their eyes, nose, ears and mouths; the way they held their hands; and the expressions on their faces. It is all wonderful art at its finest. The expressions and symbolism in the objects they hold or are associated with seem to indicate a high level of sophistication and a shared iconography-What does it all mean? Who are these people? Were they isolated villagers or strangers from a faraway land? Until the 1930s it was largely held that the oldest civilization in the Americas was that of the Maya. The great quantity of Mayan monuments, steles, pottery, statues and other artifacts discovered throughout the Yucatan, Guatemala and the Gulf Coast of Mexico had convinced archeologists that the Maya were the mother civilization of Central America. But some "Mayan artifacts" were different from the main bulk of the artifacts in subtle ways. One difference was that some carvings of large heads had faces with more African-looking features than many of the other Mayan works. Mayan paintings and sculpture can be quite varied but the African-looking features seemed distinctly un-Mayan. These African-looking heads often had a curious frown and often wore masks or appeared to be a half-jaguar-half-man beast. This recurring motif did not fit in with other Mayan finds

The Dogons


Mali, West Africa, lives a tribe of people called the Dogon. The Dogon are of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 60 year elliptical orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis. This legend might be of little interest to anybody but the two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen, who recorded it from four Dogon priests in the 1930's. Of little interest except that it is exactly true. How did a people who lacked any kind of astronomical devices know so much about an invisible star? The star, which scientists call Sirius B, wasn't even photographed until it was done by a large telescope in 1970. The Dogon stories explain that also. According to their oral traditions, a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, water beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. They also appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius. The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an "ark" that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B. The legend goes on to say the Nommos also furnished the Dogon's with some interesting information about our own solar system: That the planet Jupiter has four major moons, that Saturn has rings and that the planets orbit the sun. These were all facts discovered by Westerners only after Galileo invented the telescope.

Napata & Meroe


Meroe lay to the south of Egypt and was the successor to the country of Kush. While Kush was centered on Napata, near the Nile's fourth cataract, Meroe was centered on the more southern town of Meroe, near the Nile's sixth cataract. The Kingdom of Meroe lasted from about 500 BC to 300 AD. The wealth of Meroe came from the production of iron and iron tools, the raising of sorghum and millet, cattle herding, and trade. Meroe's merchants traded with their northern neighbor, Egypt, and with other cultures through towns on the Red Sea, such as Massawa. Meroe was strongly influenced by Egyptian culture but gradually, the inhabitants adapted Egyptian hieroglyphs and culture to fit their own needs. A local language, called Meroitic, replaced Egyptian as the court language. Meroitic is no longer spoken. The deities of Meroe were largely those of Napata. The kingdom of Meroe had eventually fallen and the trading power of Aksum had taken over.

The Mayans

Photobucket Children of the Olmecs developed a great civilization in what is today kwown as Mexico and Honduras.The Mayans disregarded the Olmec culture as they had a rich nationality of there own along with their own identity this can be seen in there art work and the fully developed written lanquage they also made huge advances in the fields of Astronomy and Mathematic.Farming was adopted as the way of life as early from around 348 BC to 250 BC

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